Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Iphone cool-aide

The I-phone, with out a doubt, is a wonderful platform and a marvelous smartphone. However, the latest incarnation of the I-phone (the I-phone 4) has a little antenna problem. As most of you have learn first hand or through news reports, the I-phone's new antenna is placed on the exterior of the phone along the outside edge of the phone. The antenna strip encircles the phone with a very small gap. When a user holds the I-phone in the left hand, in a particular way, the the hand makes a bridge between the gap, thus denigrating the the signal strength of the phone which leads to dropped calls.

This is ridiculous! It is clumsy! It's down right stupid!

But listening to the I-phone "cool-aide" drinkers, this is but a miss step. Apple is given a pass. Apple CEO's reaction to the problem was "just don't hold it that way." Stupid!

If this were Microsoft, Motorola or some other company, these same "cool-aide" drinkers would be so up in arms and condescending. They would be so outraged. Wow, what journalistic open mindedness. Face it I-Phone"cool-aide" drinkers, the antenna dilemma is a big big gaff. The I-phone 4 is not a 4g phone and it only has a 5 megapixle cam. Personally, I have held all of my cell phones in all kinds of positions and I have never dropped a call due to the way I was holding the phone. I know this because when I dropped a call, I continued holding it the same way and the call didn't drop again. This goes back the my old Nokia analog phone.

Cool-aide drinkers, don't try to hide it. This antenna gaff is F_ing embarrassing. My choice, HTC EVO here we come.

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