Tuesday, January 23, 2018

My Three Rings

My Three Rings
I've never been the type of person to own very much jewelry. In the past I've owned a few silver and gold bracelets, necklaces with a few charms and a few rings here and there.

Currently, the only jewelry I own are in the picture to the left. I do, however, plan to buy a few more rings and maybe a necklace later on.

I just don't put too much stock into possessing jewelry in any great amount. It's kind of like my attitude about clothes. I don't put too much  stock into that either. Got a pair of faded jeans, a solid black t-shirt (always solid color, never patterns) and hiking boot and I'm good.

In any event, let me tell you about my three rings:

  • I forgot exactly where I bought the skull ring. I think I got that one at a flea market. Why a scull ring? I think it's my "metal/bad boy side" of me being represented as well as the rebel inside me.
  • I bought the middle ring in Laredo, Texas. I had been looking for a shinny silver ring in Nuevo Laredo but never did. When I crossed back to the US side, I happened to walk past a jewelry store and spotted this beautiful ring. It's pure silver, I love the design and at the moment, is my favorite ring.
  • The last ring on my ring finger I bought at a garage sale. It is not silver and I have no idea what type of metal it's made from. I have to constantly clean this ring before I wear it because I turns green in a matter of hours. But, I love the design.