Sunday, January 29, 2012

Facebook Fatigue

At the current time, I have 51 Facebook "friends." This is too many. I am fascinated with people who have hundreds of friends on, not only Facebook, but other social networks. Out of the 51 people I have on my friends list, I only keep up with about 5 or 6. I've slowly continued to eliminate people who, for reasons unknown to me now, I added. Guess it seemed right at the time. I just have one problem. I don't want to offend anyone. But, just like ending a relationship, most of the time it isn't going to be smooth. However, it may come down to the person. For instance, I had a "friend" from work ask me if she could be my friend on Facebook. Having known this person for a long time, I said yes. Subsequently, in following months, she unfriended me. I have no problem with it. Really. Again, it was one of those times where I didn't have any interest in what this person is doing. Nonetheless, I accepted her friend request. So maybe the people who I'm considering unfriending feel the same way about me. I just don't know who they are. I wish I did, it would make me feel a lot better about hitting the unfriend button.

I seem to be saying to myself more and more "I'm so sick of Facebook." When I dissected the reasons behind my displeasure, I concluded that my frustration had nothing to do with Facebook. It's my friends list. The nexus of my frustration is as follows. When I post something on Facebook, I first think to myself. Is this post going to mean something? Is this post going to enlighten people? Is this post worth posting? Most of the people on my friends list ask none of these questions. I hate posting, what I consider, superfluous content. Examples: "I woke up with a head ache" or "my dog learned a new trick" It's amazing to me that those postings garner a number of likes and comments. Are you kidding me? I guess postings like that mean something to someone. Not me. When I post something on Facebook it is always: a useful website, photo site, news event, a documentary or something that contributes to substance. And, almost always my posts get no likes and no comments.

It may sound like sour grapes on my part. It's not that at all. It just sounds that way. As I've said, it's not Facebook and it's not my posts. It's my friends list. 

That's my fault.

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