Saturday, January 21, 2012

Down on the NBA

When the NBA players decided to strike a few months ago, I couldn't rap my understanding around it. WHY? What are they protesting? Well, it's money as usual. Of all the professional sports, the NBA players are among the athletes that should least be crying about money or anything else related to their playing conditions. The pro baseball players, by the way, are the ones that should never cry about money and playing conditions. Are you kidding me? Baseball? Work? No. Getting paid millions for swinging a bat, running around a little bit, catching a ball and sitting in a dugout is cool. You have nothing to cry about. Pro basketball players have nothing to be crying about either. What do you do? You run around back and forth dribbling a ball, shoot at a basket and get a great workout while getting paid millions. The minimum wage for an NBA player is over $470.000 a year. Your F_ _ _ing joking? If they paid me $50,000 a year, I would play my heart out. Yes, the owners are raking it in. But, that is their franchise. It's their club. don't like the conditions there? Go somewhere else.

I'm a capitalist. I believe people should venture into a risk and have a chance to make a profit. I believe a person should "get as much as they can." But it rubs me the wrong way when pro players whine that they aren't getting paid what they should based on the disparity of income the franchises are making. It's not your club! Start a league of your own and pay out whatever you want.

At this time, I have not been able to watch an NBA game. Not even my beloved LA Lakers. I'm just too turned off. Maybe time will heal, but for now, no Pro basketball for me. Thank you.

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