Saturday, November 9, 2019

I Miss My Old Friends / School Mates

I've always been what most people call, irresponsible. When I was in grade school and all the way through high school, I always did badly in school, as far as grades were concerned. I was not a discipline problem and was considered a "good kid." My view of life was, I think skewed by the fact that I watched a lot of TV. I didn't have a father for much of my childhood and my mother and aunt really didn't have too much influence on me in terms of outlook on life. I loved imitated characters on TV and looked up to TV personalities. I didn't have very many good friends, just a few good ones. And, that was OK with me.

To this day, I'm the type of person that does not like to "hang out." When I was young I loved having friends over to the house, but after a while I wanted to get rid of them. Sounds terrible, but it's the truth. I just liked being by myself most of the time. I loved the stupid things and the stupid conversations we used to have as kids. It was a great time to be in my room with my friends listening to Rush, Van Helen etc., etc., and acting dumb. I miss going out to the basketball court and spending hours and hours joking around with my friends and playing ball. It was great.

The present.
Now, when I run across some of those friends, I hate it. Everyone is so serious. They are all so "grown up." I suppose that is a bit immature of me. Wishing that people stayed the same. Wishing people stayed young. Nevertheless, I feel somewhat sad when I see my old friends. I'm glad to see them and to hear they're doing well. But, it's just not the same for me. 

I miss my friends. But I miss my friends the way they used to be. Is that silly and immature? Is that living in fantasy land? Ya, I guess the "normal" people would say so. But, that's me and I guess I'll never change. 

Thank God.

Happy 150 College Football. What a shame.

As we continue to celebrate the 150th season of American College Football, it is so very sad that after 150 years we still HAVE NOT crowned a legitimate college football champion. What, do you say?! No, we have never had a legitimate champion of college football.

Why? Because from the very beginning of intercollegiate play, there has been an outside entity "awarding" a national championship i.e. The Princeton Tigers and Rutgers Queensmen in 1869. There has never been, and there still is not a playoff system to determine a champion. The system that is currently used is a complete joke because the teams are still picked to enter a bracket. 

I have always referred to college football as "the twilight zone" of sports. The reason is simple. Every sport that depends on a score or a finish line to determine a winner has some sort of mechanism to determine a champion. In baseball, we have a college world series. In basketball, we have the NCAA tournament and so on and so on. Only those sports such as boxing and gymnastics, were there is subjective judging to determine a winner, are relegated to controversy and debate. Plain and simple a championship, in this case in collage football, is won by playing for a national championship. A championship is not won by someone voting for who they think deserves to win a championship. Anyone who argues that point is a moron. They are living in the twilight zone. How can smart and intelligent people, on the one hand, laud the NCAA college basketball tournament, college world series and other tournaments which crown a legitimate champion and on the other hand, dismiss implementing a REAL college football playoff to finally crown a legitimate champion.

Shame on the status quo and shame on whoever supports the status quo. Shame on you who have robbed all those athletes for all those years of a shot to win a coveted national title.