Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cold cold, go away!

Many things piss me off in this life: people that litter, people who talk on their cell phone in a tight public place, drivers who don't use their single light to turn or change lanes and on and on.

But there is something in particular that I hate, maybe more than anything else. That is - COLD WEATHER! This year has been the absolute worst. Here we are in late April and I'm still seeing temperatures in the 60s and 70s. What the hell is going on!? I could be wrong about this but, I don't remember a time when it was this cold this late in the year, at least not here in my beloved South Texas. And it never seems to fail, the days that I'm off from work are the days that are colder and the days that I'm working are the warmest. That, of course, is a visceral observation. 

But damn it already, I'm so tired of this cold. I know, I know, to most people 60 and 70 degree weather is far from cold. But, not in my book. If it's below 78 - I'm cold!!!!!!!!!

Alas, this has to end sometime. We're almost in May and I'm so hoping hotter weather is coming soon. When I see 90 degree and 100 degree forecasts I will jump for joy and sing Hallelujah.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Procession to Calvary by one

As I was on my way back home from my mother's home on Easter Sunday, I came across this person recreating Christ carrying the cross. I managed to snap a few pictures of him as I was driving, but this is the only one that was in decent focus.

Many of us have heard the story of the Procession to Calvary time and time again. But, as I'm writing this post, I can't help feeling so very sad for our Lord and savior. How must it have been like to lug this heavy mass, trundling to your final destination knowing that soon you're going to be nailed to it and die.
