I finally did what for many years I had just been playing lip service to. Leaving a job that I had absolute no interest in and quite frankly, hated. I told myself in the beginning, "I can do this for 6 months to a year MAX" and then I would be out. Unfortunately, it became 10 years of hell. From the first moment I stepped into the hospital I felt so uncomfortable. It wasn't the people (well, most of the people) it was the field I was going to be working in. The medical field. From a journalist prospective, I love the medical technology, science and innovation related to medicine. However, working as a direct care personnel, I HATED IT!
It feels so good beyond belief knowing I will no longer have to endure the nightmare of working in a situation that was an anathema to me. I have absolutely no idea how I stuck it out for so long just beating my head against the wall. It was becoming so very hard to make it through the work day. I had become short tempered and some of the time, not a very nice person to be around. But, it was all related to the situation I had put myself in. It was no ones fault but mine that I was in a horrible place.
Now that I'm no longer in that dark situation, I have vowed never (at all cost) to put myself in that kind of situation ever again. For as long as I have left to live, I will be committed to going where I want to go and work to reach the place I want to be.