Friday, February 1, 2013

Pulling the curtain back

Not too long after "going online" for the first time in 1992. Ahhhhh, the memories: BBS's, Global Gallery, CompuServe and the screeching of my 300 baud modem. OK, OK, wake up! I learned to be very cynical about Internet posts and content. That was pretty easy for me, given the fact that I'm a cynical person to begin with. It's a bit curious to me that I have always looked at the Internet and consumed it always with a grain of salt. However, when it came to television, I tended to be just this side of blindfold- gullible  Why? I don't know. I've never really thought about it enough to analyze it. I guess it has something to do with the fact that I was always a TV child. I just loved watching TV all the time. I didn't like to read all that much so, TV was my escape. Maybe some times too much of an escape. Nevertheless, I think the eyes of childhood carried over into adulthood somewhat and, right or wrong, I think my belief that whatever is on TV must be real. Right?

The sands of time forces a certain amount of maturity on a person. Some more than others. I am no different. When I learned how the world works, that was it. Just about anything that came before me was looked upon with a jaundice eye and trust was given very sparingly. So why after 45 years of living did I get hoodwinked? Well, let me briefly explain. I know that Reality TV is not really reality. Yes, we all know. If you don't know, sorry to tell ya, it's not. BUT! I bit. There is a show call Operation Repo which appears on the TruTV network. I know that these shows are edited major league to create conflict and drama. But, I thought that the actual content was "real." I remember watching a particular show where Lu, the main character, had his tow truck demolished by a reposesee and his friends. I felt so bad for the guy. He looked like he was going to die. I then found out that the show is completely staged. Operation Repo does have a disclaimer before every episode, but I always missed that part.
I think the kicker was when I found out that one of my formally favorite shows (american pickers) is also staged. It's kind of embarrassing for me because I thought to myself, here I am, a pretty much seasoned person who is very cynical of people and much more of things on the Internet and TV, taking the bait.
It goes to show that despite having lived for a while and not giving trust very easily, if at all, I still got the old shook and jive. The world of entertainment has always been in the business of creating a story. Something that is not quite real, but real. It's my opinion that now, more than ever, it is more and more pervasive. From the majority of the music that's out there right now, the lack of originality in movies, none reality reality is the norm. If you are a network that is not running some sort of "reality show" you are getting lapped in the ratings. Is that good? Not to me. I just miss original, somewhat real material.